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SpotLaw App is a constantly updated encyclopedia of 50,000+ judgments from the Supreme Court of India (1950 on-wards) using Neutral Citation and those referred in them. This unique app enables Judges, advocates, teachers, law students, scholars, academicians, litigant and common man to do research using a smart phone. Judgments that are referred from apex courts of UK, USA and Australia are also updated as needed.

SpotLaw is supported by a well structured interlinking database containing researched data, which makes legal research easy, meaningful and accurate. Built upon the latest technologies, like AI, the app promises to become the ‘go to’ judgement retrieval system.

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All judgments are curated by a expert team of Senior Advocates, Advocates and Academicians. Each judgment is carefully examined and classified specifically under well-structured parameters, covering all possible factors on which users search judgments and effective research can be made

* Subscription of Rs.3,600 annually for ‘viewing, downloading and printing the judgment text’ and chatting with ‘Justice Drishti Vishwas‘